Supporting Progressive Policy

The Climate Safe Policy Initiative injects thought provocation into the debate on financial regulation to reframe the design of the financial system consistent with social and environmental objectives. This initiative influences financial policies to help meet the Climate Safe Lending Network’s goal of aligning bank lending with the Paris Agreement on climate action.

A particular focus of our work is identifying ways that climate change can be integrated into the policies and operations of the Federal Reserve system. We are planning a programme of events bringing together finance professionals, regulators and civil society leaders to explore a path forwards.

Influential Initiatives

Seeds of Change

The Financial Innovations Roundtable (FIR) is an annual event that works to address problems related to access to capital for low- and moderate-income consumers and communities. The FIR convenes a range of financial institutions, government agencies, foundations, and trade associations to access their expertise for problem-solving discussions. We present strategies, policy options, and scalable interventions for advancing climate finance now.

Financial Stability in a Planetary Emergency

Regulations implemented by central banks have mostly been based on the premise: How can we keep the finance sector safe from the environment, rather than how can we keep the environment safe from the finance sector? To protect the environment from the finance sector and maintain the planetary stability upon which financial stability rests, financial regulators need a fundamentally different toolbox. One that ensures that the financial sector addresses planetary emergencies so as to maintain financial stability for generations to come.

Fat Tails Tipping Points and Asymmetric Time Horizons

Climate-related financial risks (CRFR) pose unique challenges for capital requirements regulation. The existing capital requirements regime needs stronger precautionary and macroprudential focus, paying particular attention to the prevention of environmental tipping points to avoid systemic and catastrophic impacts on the financial system and macroeconomy.

Find more policy-related resources, ideas and information in our Resources and Reports